Students will live on newly named dormitories
VŠE students will live on newly named dormitories Palach, Eisler and Thaler dorms. The new names will be officially adopted on April 1, 2019 at the dormitories at Jarov, where mainly students of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) live. VŠE has therefore decided to express its appreciation to these three important personalities connected with the school. A memorial plaque of Jan Palach will also be installed in the dormitory area.
“It is much better to live in a dorm, which bears the name of a prominent person than in a dormitory with an impersonal number. We have deliberately chosen people that are associated with VŠE and which represent various historical periods,” said Prof. Hana Machková, rector of the University of Economics, Prague.
Richard H. Thaler is a professor of the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business. He received his doctoral degree at the University of Rochester in New York in 1974. Before joining the University of Chicago faculty in 1995, Richard H. Thaler lectured from 1978 to 1995 at the SC Johnson College of Business at Cornell University. Professor Thaler was the recipient of the 2017 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his contributions to behavioral economics. In 2018 he was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Prof. Richard H. Thaler studies behavioral economics and finance as well as the psychology of decision-making, which lies within the gap between economics and psychology. In 2015, Professor Thaler was president of the American Economic Association. Professor Thaler has been a doctor honoris causa of the University of Economics, Prague since 2015.