Ing. Tomáš Miklánek, M.A., Ph.D.
Tomáš Miklánek is an Assistant Professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business. His research interests is in the field of Experimental and Behavioral Economics. In particular effects of emotions, interaction of monetary and intrinsic incentives, endogenous information choice and experimental asset markets.
PhDr. Lubomír Cingl, Ph.D.
Lubomír Cingl is an Assistent Professor at the Prague University of Economics and Business. His personal web-page can be found here.
Michal Bauer, PhD.
Michal Bauer is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Economic Studies, Charles University in Prague, and a Researcher at CERGE-EI. His previous positions include: Fulbright visiting scholar at the New York University, a visiting faculty member at ISET in Georgia, a volunteer teacher in Uganda. His research interests are development microeconomics, labor economics and behavioral economics. His recent work focuses on the interaction between time, risk and social preferences and poverty. He has conducted field experiments on related topics in Uganda, India and Georgia. Formal CV for download is here and personal web-page can be found here.
Peter Katuščák, PhD.
Peter Katuščák is an Assistent Professor at the CERGE-EI in Prague. His personal web-page can be found here. CV can be found here.
Fabio Michelucci, PhD.
Fabio Michelucci is an Assistent Professor at the CERGE-EI in Prague. His personal web-page can be found here.
Silvester Van Koten, PhD.
Silvester Van Koten in an Assistent Professor at the Department of Institutional Economics, Prague University of Economics and Business. His previous positions include Post-Doc Fellow at CERGE-EI in Prague and Post-Doc Fellow at the Florence School of Regulation, where he still is an Adviser in Energy Training. He mainly focuses on economics of energy markets. His personal web-page can be found here.