International Cooperation

Intensive cooperation with foreign universities is one of the priorities of the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business. Inter-faculty cooperation is focused on projects such as short-term programs for incoming students, the exchange of professors and academic staff for science and research, the creation of joint study programs, cooperation in research etc.
The first of the partner faculties has been School of Economics, Ocean University of China since September 2017. The Memorandum of Cooperation was signed on the occasion of a visit by the dean and vice-dean of the School of Economics. On the basis of agreed inter-faculty cooperation, Winter and Summer Schools for students from Ocean University of China are organized by the Faculty of Economics of the Prague University of Economics and Business.

In April 2017, delegation from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics visited several Chinese universities, first among them being the Ocean University of China. Afterwards, the delegation discussed possibilities of cooperation with representatives of the Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing. Last, Shanghai University was visited, which was followed by visit of its representatives at Prague University of Economics and Business in August 2018. This resulted in Memorandum of Cooperation, which is targeted on research cooperation and related exchange of academic staff. In autumn 2019, three master students from Shanghai University visited the Faculty of Economics at the Prague University of Economics and Business for a three-month research and study stay.

The Faculty of Economics of the University of Economics plans to extend cooperation towards other universities around the world. In May 2018, in cooperation with International Study Programs, Faculty of Economics already hosted students and professors from Indiana University (USA). They had an opportunity to attend a lecture, followed by social networking within local students community.



In April 2019, again in cooperation with International Study Programs, the Faculty of Economics welcomed students and professors from the EADA School of Business (Spain). The program included the so-called Oxford Debate, in which two representatives from Faculty of Economics lectured on the topic “The European Union and its pros and cons” and subsequently discussed this topic with students. The debate was followed by student networking.

Ocean University of China, School of Economics (Qingdao)

In light of cooperation with Ocean University of China, two short-term programs for Chinese students have been realized so far: “Winter School in Prague 2018” and “Summer School in Prague 2018”. Students had the opportunity to discuss economic topics with Czech economic experts, to get acquainted with Czech history and culture, to visit the Chamber of Deputies and the Czech National Bank. Additionally, they visited Karlovy Vary and Český Krumlov with a guide.

School of Economics, Ocean University of China was founded in 1985. The School of Economics consists of three departments, namely the Department of International Economics and Business, the Department of Finance and the Department of Economics. It provides 4 bachelor programs (Finance, International Economy and Trade, Logistics Management, Marine Economics), 9 master programs (including Finance, International Trade, Quantitative Economics, Labor Economics, Regional Economics, Industrial Economics, (Applied Economics). The School of Economics consists of 66 academic workers (including 19 professors and 17 associate professors).

Qingdao City is the largest city in Shangdong Province with nearly 10 million inhabitants. Qingdao is a port and industrial center. The name “Qingdao” in translation means “Green Island”. The city of Qingdao has been one of the fastest growing Chinese cities in the last decade.

Areas of cooperation with the Faculty of Economics, University of Economics:

  • Organization of Winter and Summer Schools
  • Cooperation on the creation of joint degree programs
  • Exchange of academic staff for teaching, research and study
  • Exchange of information, materials and publications
  • Preparation of joint research and other projects


Faculty of Economics, Shanghai University (Shanghai)

Shanghai University was ranked 15th among Chinese universities in 2018. The entire university has 60,000 students and nearly 700 professors in more than 350 programs.

The Faculty of Economics offers 4 bachelor courses (Economics, International Economics and Trade, Finance and Fiscal Economics), 4 master’s degrees (Theoretical Economics, Applied Economics, Public Administration and Master of Business Administration) and one doctoral program called Management Science and Engineering.

Areas of cooperation:

  • Joint research activities
  • Exchange of faculty members for research, lecturing and workshops
  • Implementation of short-term foreign programs for students
  • Student exchange



KDI School of Public Policy and Management

The KDI School has been recognized as a premier institution throughout the world for research and learning in development economics and public policy, where the medium of instruction is entirely in English. KDI School offers an innovative educational program focusing on economic policy in light of rapidly changing global economy and  in 2001 it was designated as the Korean hub for the W​orld Banks Global Development Learning Network. It offers master programs in Public Policy, Development Policy and Public Management. It is counted as 1st think thank in Asia and 6th among Non-US Institutes, (according to 2016 Global Go To Think Tank Rankings).
Areas of Cooperation:
  • Student exchange
  • Cooperation on the creation of joint degree programs
  • Preparation of joint research and other projects
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