Experimental research papers as a part of the RSS
Experiments for the worldwide research conducted in the LEE
Silvester van Koten paper in the EER
Silvester van Koten paper in the EER
Silvester van Koten paper in the Games

A total of four experimental research papers were presented as a part of the Research Seminar Series at the Národohospodářská fakulta VŠE during the Winter Semestr 2013/2014.
Jonathan Schulz from the team of Simon Gächter from the University of Nottingham ran four experiments in the LEE for his worldwide research “Societal differences in honesty“. During his stay in Prague during September 2013 he presented part of his research as a paper in the Seminar Research Series at the NF VŠE. As a matter of fact – at least according to experiments Czechs lie as about a same deal as Austrians do…
Silvester van Koten together with Andreas Ortmann published the paper „Structural versus behavioral remedies in the deregulation of electricity markets: An experimental investigation motivated by policy concerns“ in the European Economic Revue. Congratulations!
Silvester van Koten together with Andreas Ortmann published the paper „Structural versus behavioral remedies in the deregulation of electricity markets: An experimental investigation motivated by policy concerns“ in the European Economic Revue. Congratulations!
Silvester van Koten together with Andreas Ortmann and Vítězslav Babický publeshed the paper „Fairness in Risky Environments: Theory and Evidence“ in the journal Games. Congratulations!
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