Department of Regional Studies and Faculty of Economics invites you to the International Conference on the “Challenges and good practices of SMEs in V4 countries”
Conference on the challenges and good practices of SMEs in V4 countries_agenda.pdf
SMEs are the biggest employers not only in Europe but in the Visegrad region too, so their social impact is unquestionable. Furthermore, entrepreneurship is closely linked with innovation and change; thus their actions are crucial when the countries of the region consider improving their position in the global economic space. Entrepreneurs can also act as powerful and assertive agents in local and regional communities, making national and European policy-making on entrepreneurship and small business an interdisciplinary and huge-impact action.
However, locality is a powerful aspect of SMEs’ and entrepreneurs’ operation; therefore, knowledge about this field can easily remain hidden. Due to these specialties, there is a distinct shortage of cross-country discourse, knowledge-making and networking in the field of SMEs. This is way we built a project aiming to facilitate information-sharing in order to form new, cross-country knowledge and network about entrepreneurship and small business in the Visegrad countries.
The international conference under the title ‘Challenges and good practices of SMEs in V4 countries’ addresses the needs of researchers, academics and organizations working in the field of entrepreneurship in Visegrad countries based on the above-mentioned shortages. The event’s main aim is to facilitate knowledge and information sharing as well as networking among relevant stakeholders.
The event will be held on 25-26 September 2019, in Budapest, Hungary in the frame of the project V4 Network on Entrepreneurship supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The project is coordinated by HETFA Research Institute (Hungary), University of Economics (Faculty of Economics) participates in the project as a partner. The partnership is also consisted of the Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia), and the IDEA for Development Foundation (Poland).
More information about the project and its achievements are available at the following website: More information about the event including the agenda is available here.
The attendance at the conference is free of charge but registration is necessary by filling this registration form until 23 August. Those who cannot attend in person, certain parts of the conference will be live streamed on the V4 Network on Entrepreneurship Facebook page.