VŠE’s got talent 2018

The University of Economics, Prague all started in 2011. We decided to find the most talented students and give them an opportunity to show their skills in front of a big audience. The show received a hugely positive response and many people were surprised by how much talent there is among the students. Now it’s 2018 and VŠE’S GOT TALENT coming around again.

November 10, 2018 takes place the first round of the contest. You can participate if you are student, alumni, employee of our University. If you are a group, only 50 % of the group is required to be from VŠE. Exchange students are welcome too. You should fill the application form here before November 10, 2018. There are only two rounds. If you are successful, you will participate in the final TOP 5 showing your talent during the Representative ballof The University of Economics, Prague.

There is not only a fame and fun, you could receive an interesting prize too.

1. Prize CZK 30 000
2. Prize CZK 15 000
3. Prize CZK 15 000
4. Prize CZK 10 000
5. Prize CZK 10 000

What kind of performance is possible to participate with? You can sing, dance, do tricks or whatever interesting you are good at. So, show your talent off.



Casting, first round
November 10, 2018 in the Vencovsky Hall, at the University of Economics – casting will be closed to spectators

November 15, 2018, 18:30 in the Vencovsky Hall, at the University of Economics – open for spectators

December 3, 2018 in Prague’s Lucerna Great Hall – TOP 5 participants will show their performance and the absolute winner will be declared


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