Summer Semestr 2017/2018
- Thursday, February 15, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Jan Fidrmuc (Brunel University): Beautiful Minds: Physical Attractiveness and Research Productivity in Economics
- Thursday, February 22, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Cortnie Shupe (DIW Berlin): Drivers of Participation Elasticities across Europe: Gender or Earner Role within the Household?
- Thursday, March 1, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Jiří Novák (UK Praha): Competitive Threats, Information Asymmetry, and Insider Trading
- Thursday, March 15, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Deborah Novakova (CERGE-EI ASC): Writing and Presenting in Today’s Competitive Academic Environment
- Thursday, March 22, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Randi Hjalmarsson (Gothenburg): The Persistence of the Criminal Justice Gender Gap: Evidence from 200 Years of Judicial Decisions
- Thursday, April 12, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Joseph Vecci (Gothenburg): How Do Gender Quotas Affect Hierarchical Relationships? Complementary Evidence from a Representative Survey and Labor Market Experiments
- Thursday, April 19, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Joe Doyle (MIT): Measuring Physician Quality: Evidence from Physician Availability
- Thursday, May 3, 2018, NB350, 12:45
Adam Oliver (London School of Economics): Do Unto Others: On the Importance of Reciprocity in Public Administration
- Thursday – Friday, May 10-11, 2018
- Review of Economic Studies Tour, CERGE-EI: program
- Thursday, May 24, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Lenka Fiala (Tilburg): Academic Debate: Improving Student Performance One Speech at a Time
- Thursday, June 7, 2018, NB350, 12:45
- Therese Nilsson (Lund University): The long-term effect of long terms – Compulsory schooling reforms in Sweden