
The Conferral of the Degree of Doctor Oeconomiae Honoris Causa upon Professor Richard H. Thaler

Professor Richard H. Thaler is an internationally renowned scientist in the area of alternative economic approaches to behavioral economics, as well as being one of today‘s leading intellectuals. He is a member of the narrowest circle of candidates from which the Nobel Prize for Economics will be chosen. Richard H. Thaler is a professor at […]

55F912 Introduction to STATA

it is a pleasure to invite you to attend a new extra-semestral course „Introduction to STATA“, 55F912. The course will provide hands-on instructions on how to work with STATA, an econometric software that is predominantly used for empirical work by economists today. The detailed content of the course is presented here: All of you […]

Awarding of the Degree of DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA to Richard H. Thaler

The Rector of the University of Economics, Prague Hana Machková And The Dean of the Faculty of Economics Miroslav Ševčík   Request the pleasure of your company on the joyous occasion of the awarding of the Degree of DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA to Richard H. Thaler Professor of Behavioral Science and Economics at the University of […]

Research seminar series: Dagmara Celik Katreniak

On 29th October 2015 Dagmary Celik Katreniak will present her paper „Dark side of incentives: a randomized field experiment in Uganda„. For more informations click here.


Národohospodářská fakulta, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze (VŠE) Faculty of Economics, University of Economics in Prague Prague, 1-2 July 2016 Keynote speaker: James A. Robinson, University of Chicago CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: 31st January 2016 Institutional change can cast a long shadow. Central and Eastern Europe has been the scene of several sudden, radical institutional […]

Antonio Filippin on KIE

Application for ECON

Deadline – extended because of the interest of applicants in connection with the submission of required documents. For details, see How to apply.

Niclas Berggren on KIE

New extra-semestral course 5RE106 “Political Institutions, Economic policy and Economic development in Latin America”

The Center for Latin American studies (CLAS) within Faculty of Economics has the honor to welcome Dr. José de Arimatéia da Cruz, who will give us a seminar “Political Institutions, Economic policy and Economic development  in Latin America”. The course will take place from Monday 28th of April to Thursday 15th of May 2014. If you […]